The Benefits of Taking a Family Gap Year

We know first hand that dreaming about family travel is exciting but also that the thought of planning a family gap year can be daunting; we also know for sure that trekking your dream will open your family’s eyes to the wider world and the benefits will become clear.

What are the benefits of breaking your usual routines with your family?

A year-long gap year might seem intimidating, but it can be an incredibly transformative and life-changing experience. Here are just a few reasons that it might be right for you and your children:

Enjoy quality time together in amazing places

Children are only young once, and time moves so fast! In today’s fast-paced world, it has never been more challenging for families to spend quality time together. A family gap year allows you to create incredible memories by exploring new places and experiencing different cultures with your loved ones. It can strengthen the relationships between both parents and siblings.

family running freely through fields

Grow personally and broaden your horizons

From South America’s ancient civilisations to the Himalayan mountain tops, Trekking the Dream will provide loads of inspiration for your family gap year. We took the plunge and can provide all kinds of awesome ideas for your dream trip! 

A family gap year can open your mind, enhance your children’s perspective on life and teach them invaluable skills such as adaptability and cultural sensitivity. It takes their education beyond the classroom and can teach them everything from history and geography to the sciences and other languages.

Travelling provides real-world education and exposes kids to different ways of life, helping them grow into interesting and open-minded people. It can also provide time for parents to reflect and decide what their goals are for the years ahead.

Escape from the rat race for a year

All too often, modern life is dominated by work and taking an extended break from your employment and daily responsibilities is a great way to reduce stress. It can renew your energy and enthusiasm for life. Taking an extended break doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your career: many companies are supportive of people taking sabbaticals, recognising that it can provide staff with fresh perspectives and new skills for their return. 

Enjoying the benefits of taking a family gap year at a beach, waving from a car.

Go on incredible adventures and explore the world

We only have one life and live on an amazing planet, but most people don’t actually get out and explore it as much as they could. During your family gap year, you can do everything from visiting iconic landmarks, discovering natural wonders and participating in exciting activities that you will remember for the rest of your life. 

Travelling for a longer period means you can immerse yourself more deeply in other cultures, try local cuisines and really get to know people from all kinds of backgrounds. You can spend time in nature with activities like hiking, camping and exploring national parks, a fantastic way to de-stress. 

Help with projects that have a positive social impact 

Many families like to volunteer on projects when they travel around the world. It provides the chance to give back to communities and positively impact the countries they visit. 

Long-term travel can also help to build resilience in you and your children, facing and overcoming unexpected challenges. 

Trekking The Dream can help you plan your family gap year to make sure you get the very best from your time away and enjoy every moment. 

We look at what you should budget, safety, and educational needs for your children. We will provide ideas for destinations and help you think about the specific goals you hope to achieve during your family gap year to maximise your unique opportunity.

Find out more about taking a family gap year and why you should plan yours today!