Reasons To Road Trip With Kids + Essential Survival Tips

Family road trips are one of our favourite ways to travel. They provide quality time together and freedom to explore without a fixed itinerary. In addition to a shared adventure, there are loads more benefits to taking a road trip with kids.

Embarking on a family road trip with kids can be exciting and daunting. With some pre-planning, you’ll feel more confident about hitting the road and experiencing freedom and adventure for yourself!

We have road-tripped extensively across the UK as well as in America, Costa Rica, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Japan, Norway, Poland, Italy, Sri Lanka, Egypt, and France. We are currently planning to embark on a summer European road trip with our kids.

Road Trip With Kids

However old your kids are, with so many different options available, road trips are a great way to explore the world. Car’s, motorhomes, busses, motorbikes and even bicycles can transport you across entire continents with adventure all but guaranteed!

Children naturally pick up important life skills that are too easy to miss in today’s hectic, technology-driven world. Learning happens effortlessly when you experience first-hand the differences in culture, geology, and the environment.

Whether you are venturing a few miles from home or to the other side of the world, road-tripping can be a fun family adventure for a few days, weeks or even months.

Driving on a tarmac road with snowy hills on one side and sea on the other during an Iceland road trip with kids.
Iceland road trip with kids

7 Reasons to Road Trip With Kids

Road trips give families the flexibility to explore off the beaten path in a cost-effective way, but take it from us: with three kids, it’s not always stress-free! Don’t let that stop you, though; there are far more plus points than negatives!

1 | Quality Family Time

It can be difficult to balance everyday routine with having family time together. A road trip can provide an opportunity to reconnect and engage. We found spending extended time together encouraged better communication, lots of laughter, and real bonding.

While there are bound to be challenges, overcoming them together can bring you closer.

2 | Flexibility And Freedom To Explore

Sticking to a strict schedule or only visiting popular tourist locations can prevent you from exploring a destination’s full potential.

Road trips, however, allow you to set your own pace and vary your itinerary. We make loads of spontaneous stops and detours as we travel, often finding amazing things to see and do.

Straight road heading heading off surrounded by open green fields and hills on a road trip in Hawaii.
Hawaii road trip with kids

3 | An Ultimate Adventure

Every new road will bring its own surprises, hidden gems, and unexpected experiences. It’s a great chance for kids to find their sense of adventure through exciting activities such as hiking, camping, swimming, wildlife encounters, and simply meeting like-minded travellers.

Road trips often involve spending lots of time outdoors between travelling. This is the perfect opportunity for you and your children to disconnect from devices and reconnect with nature.

4 | Educational Opportunities

Travelling exposes children to new cultures, diverse landscapes, historical landmarks and differing environments.

This is a valuable learning experience that goes way beyond what they can gain in a classroom. Kids will learn about geography, history, and local customs firsthand, making their education more tangible and memorable.

Travelling also requires problem-solving, adaptability, and resilience, skills that are invaluable for children’s development. From navigating maps to budgeting for meals, road trips present numerous opportunities for children to learn practical life skills in a real-world setting.

Road leading to green field and hot air balloons in the distance by mountains on a road trip in Egypt with kids.
Egypt road trip with kids

5 | Build Resilience and Independence

New experiences and challenges encountered while travelling can take kids (and adults!) out of their comfort zones, helping build confidence and independence.

Overcoming challenges, whether trying new foods, interacting with strangers, or navigating unfamiliar surroundings, can be incredibly empowering. This is especially true for children and can boost their self-esteem.

6 | Cost-Effective

Road trips can be more budget-friendly than other forms of travel, especially for larger families.

With a bit of careful planning, you can save a significant amount of money on accommodation, meals, and entertainment. We booked self-catering accommodation and prepared our own meals wherever possible.

7 | Create Life-long Memories

Ultimately, road trips can create memories that you and your family will treasure for years to come.

Whether choosing the next destination, hiking, or simply watching the sunset together, these shared moments form the fabric of family life and will leave a lasting impression on your children as they grow up.

Snowy landscape at sunrise from a car during a road trip to Iceland.
Iceland road trip with kids

Tips for Surviving A Family Road Trip

Family road trips can be testing times, but by implementing a few of our top tips, you can not only survive the journey but also enjoy it.

Plan A Flexible Route: Create a rough itinerary that includes your activities, route and overnight stops. Always leave room for spontaneous decisions such as staying longer in a location or randomly stopping to explore. Treat any unexpected delays or detours as part of the adventure and embrace them positively!

Research The Destination: Thoroughly research your destination to find family-friendly attractions, dining options, rest stops, and events. Having a planned itinerary helps ensure that the journey is an exciting adventure in itself, with anticipation being half the fun!

Although the weather can be unpredictable, checking the forecast will help you plan appropriately. A road trip in the snow or rain differs greatly from one in clear conditions.

Involve Your Kids: Have your children participate in the planning process from the beginning. Having your kids help choose destinations and activities along the route will make them feel more engaged and excited about the journey. It may even calm a tantrum when they are reminded of what is still to come.

Pack Wisely: Pack essentials such as healthy snacks, drinks, and entertainment in a way that they can be easily accessed while on the move. Dress in comfortable clothing suitable for the climate you are in. Include books, games, toys and tablets to keep the kids entertained during long road trips, and download some family-friendly podcasts.

Whatever else you do, avoid overpacking. However big your vehicle is, you don’t want to haul around more kit than you need.

Safety First: Before hitting the road, ensure your vehicle is in good condition. Perform a general maintenance check on tyre pressure, oil levels, and brakes. Invest in and install appropriate car seats if your children require them. Check rental vehicles carefully to ensure they are safe – we had a poor experience in Norway.

Plan Rest Breaks: Don’t wait until you have to refuel to stop. Break up long drives with frequent rest stops; parks and scenic spots are perfect for getting some exercise and using restrooms. Where possible, plan travel time during children’s naps and try to avoid travelling after dark to ensure quality rest.

Be Patient and Positive: Travelling with kids can sometimes be unpredictable. There may be moments of frustration and resentment, but stay patient and try to maintain a sense of humour.

Remember that spending quality time together as a family should be your focus. Sometimes, changing or slowing down your progress through your itinerary can be just what is needed.

RV in a wooded campsite at sunset on a family road trip.
California road trip with kids

Road Trip With Kids FAQs

How do you travel long distances with kids?

Children are pretty adaptable to travelling long distances as long as they are kept entertained and have plenty of snacks and fluids. It is essential to schedule frequent exercise and toilet breaks and to adapt to your child’s needs.

How do we entertain children on long journeys?

Children often get bored easily and planning ahead to keep them entertained is essential, especially on long journeys. Have a variety of activities, such as colouring books, audiobooks, and snacks, to hand. Interactive games, storytelling, songs and travel scavenger hunts are great ways to keep them entertained throughout the trip.

What is a good age to go on a road trip with kids?

A good age to go on a road trip with kids is when you feel your family is ready! They need to be able to spend extended time travelling without the need for frequent breaks. Some families travel with babies, while others choose to wait until their children are old enough to remember the adventure.

Final Thoughts: Road Trip With Kids

A family road trip is much more than just a holiday. It is an adventure that should be filled with laughter, discovery, and moments of bonding. We find that involving everyone in the planning process and accepting the unexpected helps ensure our trips are remembered for all the right reasons.

Follow our tips, embrace the journey and create your own memories that your family will treasure for years to come.

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